This is a joint promotion between Aircooled Events & Aircooled Only Facebook Group.
This event is based on the successful formula of the Earlybay Camp Outs we have run for the last 3 years and the Aircooled Campout we ran at the same site last year and I would like to stress this is not a commercial venture to make money, its all about getting owners of aircooled vehicles together for a weekend.
The plan is to arrive anytime from lunchtime on Saturday, (although this year Friday Night Camping is available) find a spot in the Rally Field, pitch up and meet people you have spoken to from the forum/facebook and make some new friends, talk aircooled vehicles and generally have a good time.
We have managed to once again secure the STFU crew back for at least the Saturday night. As in previous years we will supply a large communal BBQ for everyone to use on the Friday/Saturday night but would ask you bring your own food and some charcoal to share.
Possibility of an Aircooled Cruise over to Caffeine & Machine over at Ettington only 10 miles away for Brunch on the Saturday, if you are interested in this please tick the box on the booking form.
There are 2 local pubs within walking distance and a Farm Shop for supplies and theres a supermarket a short drive away.
There are no traders or food stalls on site so you need to bring all you need to eat and drink with you
We can arrange a show and shine depending on how people feel on the Sunday and see if we can get some impartial or visitor judging going on, but it is more about making friends old and new and getting together with like minded people.
You are more than welcome to bring spares you may have for sale to try and sell them on, all i would say is if you can help another owner out with a part to get their vehicle back on the road then lets keep prices sensible :)
We are using the Rally Field at the site which has 2 x portaloos available and the main toilet block and showers is a 5 minute walk down the hill on the main site.
We need people to prebook so we can see whether the toilet facilities we have are enough so its ADVANCE TICKET only.
The cost is £22 per unit + VAT (vehicle) for weekend (Fri & Sat Night) or £15 + VAT for the Saturday night and Sunday, this is more than the site is costing but this is to cover the cost of additional toilets & event sticker etc, hope this is ok with everyone. We have changed our ticket booking system this year so hopefully no addition charges
Any questions or anything you think of get in touch, but please remember this event is open to aircooled vehicles ONLY.